Ative Ennis is an accomplished Sodal Scientist and Digi tal Strategist with over 25 years’ experience in Innovation,business development, customer relationship management, marketing. and finance, in Jamaica, throughout The Caribbean and United States.
His cu rrent bilrties as Chief Executive Off icer/Chief Digital Officer at MTE Group i nclude developing and drivi ng the strategic imperatives for the main subsidiaries as a template that the company replicates in other markets. Ative is widely regarded as a leading authority on Digital Transformation, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Telemed ici ne, Knowledge Process Outsourcing,
developing new vertical segments and positioni ng the social and economic impact of technology on
developing economies and emerging markets. He is a well sort after public speaker, regularly delivering keynote addresses on these matters, all over the wortd.
Prior to this, Ative was The Commercial Director at Digicel and former General Manager for Netxar Technologies’ Northern caribbean H u b until the acquisition by Digicel in Ma rch 2013. He was The Chief Architect that orchestrated Netxa r Technologies’tremendous growth and successf ul transi tion in to key ma rkets like Trinidad and Tobago, cayman Islands, Bermuda, TCI and Jamaica. This helped to solid ify The Company as the Preferred Tu rnkey Sol utions Provider across the Ca ribbean
Ative has worked extensively throughout the Region and has held SeniOJ Executive positions with Neal and Massy G roup. He was a key member of the Investment Commi ttee that facili tated the acquisi tion of Shell cari bbean to the Neal & Massy G roup. Among his many achievements, Ative conceptualized and developed the business plan for the establishment of the f irst Credi t Bureau in Jamaica and was i nstrumental in the development of the sma.rt classroom concept in Jamaica with the elearning Company.
He has served on the ITAdvisory Board of the PSOJ and currendy serves on several boards i ncl udi ng The Jamaica Tourism Innovation Council, Heart Trust NTA IT Council and is Chairman of The ZBE Foundation. He was recently appointed to serve on The Prestigious Sustoiooble Development Leadership Committee at theCenter for lntegmted Global Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buf/ohJ. The Committee focuses on the challenges that low•middle i ncome countries face when implementing new i nitiatives to fight non-comm unicable diseases such as Diabetes.
Ative is a graduate of Florida Internationa l University and Columbia currently married to Oanielle, and has three children.